Monday, August 1, 2011

Book Review: Nudge

Nudge is about the small things that frame how we make decisions. It may be the way products are displayed, how marketing is phrased or various visual elements. The key thing that makes it a nudge is its subtlety; we often don't notice it or actively process it. I'm fascinated by decision making-why we act in ways that often aren't rational. Nudge shows how these seemingly inconsequential things can have a major impact on the products we buy, foods we consume and ways we act. The book can get a bit long sometimes as it's packed with anecdotes, studies and findings. Not long in a bad way, it's just not as quick and easy a read as say How We Decide or Blink. I would recommend it as a secondary source on the subject of decision making, a sort of complementary book.

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