Showing posts with label Greg Mortenson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greg Mortenson. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2009


9-Naked Economics-Charles Wheelan

This book is a must read for everybody. Wheelan points out where the academic teaching of economics has failed. He highlights with vigor and clarity how economics permeates everything we do in life, and how important an understanding of economics is. Written plainly; Wheelan promises not to use graphs or talk in jargon. This book is truly refreshing.

9-Slaughterhouse Five-Kurt Vonnegut

I've never read Vonnegut before, but I loved this book. He writes with such randomness and so descriptively. This book won't be for everyone, but I sure enjoyed it.

7-The Friendship Factor-Alan McGinnis

McGinnis touches on many aspects of friendship, things that could be termed as common sense, but things that most people do not do.

6-Cold Tangerines-Shauna Niequist

A sort of "life perspective" book, Niequist simply writes about her life, in short, vignette-like chapters.

The book lost some of its appeal near the end, but it still had some value. There were places that it made you reflect and think deeply.

6-Three Cups Of Tea-Greg Mortenson

Mortenson is a climber who scaled K-2, and through his travels to Nepal, was touched by the poor communities. He made it his mission to build a school there. The book is a biography of Mortenson, centering around his efforts to bring education to a small village.

5-Lost In The Cosmos-Walker Percy

Percy's writing leaves no question of his brilliance, but also leaves no question about his reclusive nature. Many parts of the book were far above me, but the book still had great value.

5-On Writing Well-William Zinsser

A large chunk of the book deals with specific types of writing, but the main parts deal with general topics. The main thing I took away was write simply. People too often write in a verbose and flowery manner, to appear intellectual. Say what you mean, in few words.

4-Rock, Paper, Scissors-Len Fisher

This books is about game theory in everyday life. Nothing really drew me in.

4-Brain Rules, John Medina

Another book about how our brain works and how we can improve its functioning. Ho-hum.