Showing posts with label Google Wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Wave. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm really interested to see if Google Wave is all it's cracked up to be.

I want some definitive information on when the iPhone will be opened up to other carriers.

I'm excited for Boondock Saints II, but think it will flop.

Billy Wagner needs to stop venting.

The Arizona Fall League will be awesome.

I may be getting into Entourage, solely because of Jeremy Piven.

David Ford and Ray LaMontagne are musical geniuses.

I can't wait for the CD release of The Swell Season, and the DVD releases of Up and The Hangover.

I'm glad that the Nobel in economics was awarded more for application than for theory.

Thumbs up to Away We Go, When Harry Met Sally, The Sting, and The Italian Job.

Thumbs up to Wakamono on Aldine and Ann Sather on Broadway.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition has a pretty fantastic business model.

Paranormal Activity leveraged Twitter to a T. No pun intended.

Apple will open up iTunes LP to independent labels. Solid move.

Arcteryx equipment is super sweet, but it's got to be overpriced, right? I guess not if they're still in business.

Raise your hand in you enjoy learning! (My hand is raised right now).

There is a guy asleep on his laptop keyboard here at Caribou Coffee.

Great Q3 numbers from INTC. It's a good sign.

Tigers P Andy Oliver is getting owned.

Oil is going back up, now at $74 a barrel. Also a good sign.