Saturday, June 27, 2009

Unions, again

In this article, Obama's affinity for unions is shown, as is the typical presidential flip-flopping post election. The indictment that Obama is coddling to unions because they are huge supporters is no doubt controversial, but also true. It's the sad state of many decisions made in our government. Politicians have stakes in companies, and tailor their political decisions to fatten their own wallets. Special interest groups rub the backs of politicians, who in turn rub back. But back to Obama. So he's kowtowing to supporters, which is disreputable, but look at the other implications in this article. Tax breaks extended to unions and their members will be offset by higher taxes on non-union members. This is a clear bias toward unions. And as I commented on earlier in the week, unions have few positive effects anymore. Obama and his administration is continuing to cripple our economy by removing power, freedom, and control from individuals, consumers, and businesses, and transferring that power to the federal government. Does anyone remember what happened when the central government of the Soviet Union controlled everything? That's an extreme for sure, but what Obama is doing is sending us closer to that end of the continuum.

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