Monday, November 1, 2010

Why I Do This

I don’t know what I want to write about, and I really don’t have much time for writing, but there are a lot of reasons I want to make time to write. First, it focuses my thoughts. I am of the belief that most people never stop to listen to what they are thinking. I have many thoughts that lie just below the surface, and I’m always blown away when I stop, quiet down, and listen. It’s incredibly rewarding and valuable for me to evaluate what’s on my mind. Second, I enjoy it. It’s a wonderful outlet. I think I was planning on a third point, but I guess I don’t have one. That’s how thought out my writing is.

So whether I’m writing about my personal thoughts in some deep matter, giving a synopsis of a movie, or simply writing a single sentence about an article I found insightful, it’s all the same to me.

I just re-stumbled across a quote that sums this all up splendidly, "When I write, I can see things I can't otherwise see, and I feel things that I can't otherwise feel. Things make sense, in flashes and glimpses, in me and around me." -Shauna Niequist

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