Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My often maddeningly insatiable mind

I love to be informed on every subject, or rather, I hate to be uninformed. Since I have yet to pay for internet at my apartment, whenever I have internet access, I print to PDF all the articles and webpages that I want to read. Since a lot of stuff interests me, they build up pretty quickly. Tonight, I will be forging through my many articles. Hopefully then I will have informed opinions on: Scott Brown's win, Felix Hernandez's signing, foreign aid to Haiti, Haiti in general, countless points of view on taxation, healthcare, education, and civil rights, as well as general knowledge on: argumentum ad populum, neoclassical economics, george stigler, carl menger, william stanley jevons, john bates clark, charles mackay, clayton christensen, peter drucker, michael porter, balanced scorecard, glass ceiling, praxeology, henry hazlitt, eugen von bohm bawerk, david ricardo, leon walras, the dunning kruger effect, h.l. mencken, joseph schumpeter, henryk grossman, paul samuelson, jean baptiste say, george berkeley, robort solow, jeremy bentham, say's law, oliver williamson, elinor ostrom, roger myerson, eric maskin, leonis hurwicz, edmund phelps, thomas schelling, daniel kahneman, george akerlof, myrson scholes, robert merton, ronald coase, harry markowitz, john forbes nash, pierre de fermat, fibonacci, jack zduriencik, richard cantillon, frederic bastiat, irving fisher, david bensusan butt, robert shiller, timothy geithner, ben bernanke, max weber, friedrich engels, voltaire, gottfried leibniz, norm chomsky, umberto eco, richard dawkins, vaclac havel, christopher hitchins, jurgen habernas, amartya sen, jared diamond, salman rushdie, the barbershop paradox, romantic realism, aerican empire, argleton, minarchism, tom hicks, arte moreno, andrew carnegie, john rockefeller, j.p. morgan, john dillinger, john II of france, William I of sicily, peter pronovost, kenneth mcnamara, leslie groves, robert oppenheimer, and others. But maybe it'll all just run together.

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