Americans feel entitled to many things. And it is crippling America as a nation. We feel that as Americans, we should succeed, live the American dream, be comfortable. The rest of the world is a stark contrast to this ideal. To paraphrase a quote from Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers" "The Japanese people live by a saying 'A man who rises before the sun 365 days of the year will always succeed.'" Wow! Is it any wonder that the stereotype of hard-working, dedicated, and determined accompanies the Japanese? Indians know that the only way they will enjoy a better life than their parents is through education. So they study, and study, and study. They discipline themselves because they see something better, and they'll do everything in their power to get it. They are in touch with reality. They have no entitlement complex. People who have grown up with less realize that their place in life will result from their hard work and their hard work alone. Many Americans think that their place in life is guaranteed, and should be provided by others. Every automaker in Detroit now knows how naive they were.
The reckless spending of the federal government on social programs, perpetuated by administration after administration, republican and democrat alike, has and will continue to cripple our nation. People think that cheap, comprehensive health care is a right. It's not. People think the very best education is a right. It's not. People think that when they can't pay a debt, the government should help out. It shouldn't. Social security was designed to protect people from their own ignorance and lack of smarts.
As a result we have kids growing up without proper education, whose parents either have the same education level, think that their kids will succeed anyways because hey, it's America, or both. We have families spending beyond their means because they think they will get a bailout. People believe they should be employed simply because they live in America. Every time a school gets more funding from the government, it gives the school less incentive to actually improve. No one saves for retirement because they think that SS has them covered. They are in for a rude surprise.
If our government reined in many social programs, forcing Americans to face up to their own problems, while at the same time relaxing taxes (which they do if they had to fund fewer social programs) there would be a radical change in the culture, ideals, and expectations of our people. They would take ownership in their work, since they get to take home more of they earn. They would take ownership of their problems, improving themselves. I have a faith in people. Most people work less hard than they can, educate themselves less than they can, and demand more from others simply because they can. Force people to change and they will. They'll read, becoming current with the world, developing informed opinions on issues that affect them. They'll demand better education for their children, holding schools accountable, while being willing to pay more out of pocket because they see the worth.
Schools would improve. Workers would improve. American made products would improve. The human capital of Americans would improve. The federal government would have to spend less. Standards of living would improve. When people are forced to take responsibility for their own lives, the effects are only positive. Come on America! Force your people to realize the true value they have.
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