Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Fargo-A classic Coen-Brothers directed film. Sure the humor is dark, and a few scenes are downright gruesome, but Kristin Rudrud keeps you laughing whenever she opens her mouth. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Doubt-Driven by the fantastic performances of Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, and Amy Adams, Doubt rivets you to your seat with excellent dialogue. Add in the brilliant monologue by Viola Davis and you have a great film.

Air Force One-I'd never seen this one until now. Classic plot, classic Harrison Ford, classic action. Great entertainment.

Bottle Rocket-An early Wes Anderson film starring Owen Wilson and Luke Wilson. I did not enjoy this one as much as later Wes Anderson films. The quirky humor and catchy songs were not as present. Still a good watch if you're a fan of Wes Anderson.

Milk-No one can doubt the acting prowess of Sean Penn. And the cinematography was captivating. But let's be honest. This film was met with such critical acclaim because of the thematic material. The film is too long, with many lulls. Perhaps it's an "important" film to watch, but definitely not one of the best of 2008.

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