Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I graduate from college in under three weeks. I have eight class periods left. I have two finals left. I have one final paper. A chapter in my life is ending. I'm sure I'll reflect a lot more later on my time here at Hope, but I would come here all over again. The things I've learned, the ways I've grown and matured, and the relationships I've formed are simply unable to be quantified. College is so much more than a degree.

Soon I'll be saying goodbye to a good amount of friends. And while many will be close by for the foreseeable future, it will not always be that way. When feelings of sadness set in; when goodbyes seem impossible to say, I'll keep reminding myself that it's only that way because of how special they are, and how much they've meant to me. Nothing ever hurts that you didn't care about. Care about anything, and you will experience hurt at some point. But the joys, the laughter, the good times far outweigh those hurts. It's not even close.

While the future for me is mostly uncertain, it will be filled with things equally exciting and frightening, with one thing at the forefront. I'm excited to see what's in store

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