Thursday, March 12, 2009

Books I have read recently

Made To Stick-Chip Heath
Made To Stick explored why some ideas, some adages, some sayings have endured time. Leaning on only a few key traits that make them "stick", they are still with us today. A good and simple read.

The Speed of Trust-Stephen Covey
Built To Last-James Collins
The Servant-James C Hunter
Three more vanilla business books. Nothing to gain here except proxemics to use in conversation with people who think these books are sweet.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad-Robert Kiyosaki
While the main intent of this book is correct--most people are financially illiterate--many of the things he said were seemingly unrelated. He harped on real estate and how he has been able to make money quickly on these assets. That sort of aptitude goes beyond basic financial literacy. If he had constrained himself to more basic financial literacy, his points would have been driven home more effectively. A decent read.

Welcome To Your Brain-Sam Wang
Making A Good Brain Great-Daniel Amen
These are two books about our brains, how they work, and how we can improve their functioning. Lots of great stories and anecdotes. Every book about the brain insists on educating us on the anatomy of the brain; probably necessary, definitely redundant. Helpful to read but not life-changing.

The Testament-John Grisham
An oldie but a goodie. After an old, bitter, genius throws a wrench into his benefactors, his lawyers are sent on a hunt for a missionary who does not want to be found. Timeless read.

The Shack-Young
Currently exploding in religious circles, The Shack chronicles one man's encounter with the Trinity. I am always cautious when faced with a book that is so widely accepted by the mainstream. The Shack definitely takes some liberties in portraying and describing the Trinity, but can be helpful in other areas, especially in dealing with grief and forgiveness.

The Intention Experiment-Lynne McTaggart
Apparently, we have the capacity to change things around us using only our brains. The book was highly technical, which will drive some away and pull others in. A novel idea and one backed up with tons of theory, experimentation, and data.

The Dirty Dozen-Robert Levy
Tells about 12 supreme court decisions that have eroded liberties in the United States. Captivating and eye-opening. Most people do not realize the magnitude and breadth of power that our justice system has. Our liberties have been steadily infringed upon in the pursuit of singular interests. Highly recommended read.

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